Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Chicken and Eggplant Lasagna?

This is what 6 cups of cheese on top of a pan of deliciousness looks like.

A long time ago I had made a lasagna with chicken , spinach, and fried eggplant. Like lasagna usually does it took forever to make. So this time around I decided to use the eggplant as the pasta and do it more as a casserole than a lasagna.

I didn't cook the spinach before adding it to the ricotta, and I had nowhere near enough eggplant to use it as a layering agent. The results are a kinda wet almost stew like dish with fried eggplant, chicken tenders, spinach, ricotta, fresh garlic, and could I say anything else that would make this sound more delicious?

This is a stolen salad from Dewey's Pizza in Newport. Romaine and spinach with tomatoes, bacon, boursin (two of the 4 b's of deliciousness), pumpkin seeds, and a homemade basil and garlic balsamic vinaigrette.

And what dinner is complete without the cat getting hair in everything. It also went really well with Huber's Sweet Marcella wine. The leftovers were really good too.

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